Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

How Does a Doctorate Work?

Before the Doctorate

The first step is to contact a professor at the Faculty of Agriculture who is willing to supervise your work.

You can often find current vacancies with the opportunity to do a doctorate on the institutes' websites. Check regularly to see if there is something suitable for you.

Perhaps you have an idea of your own? Approach potential supervisors directly. Explain your planned research project as precisely as possible and give reasons why the professor is suitable as a supervisor.

Check the required language skills (doctorate in German or English).

First steps towards a doctorate at the University of Bonn [DE]

Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies

After you have found a supervisor, the formal requirements for your acceptance as a doctoral student must be clarified, which are set out in the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Agriculture [see download area]. The Doctoral Committee and the Faculty Council are responsible for admission.

Doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Agriculture dated June 17, 2011

Regulations amending the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Agriculture dated December 11, 2017

To do this, you must submit an application for admission to doctoral studies to the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bonn. Your supervisor must also sign this application (submission deadline: no later than 10 days before the next Faculty Council meeting - the dates can be found under "News").

Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies

Enclosures to the Application

Curriculum vitae (signed)

Proof of successful completion of relevant academic studies in accordance with § 6 of the doctoral regulations dated 17.06.2011 (certified copy of the certificate and transcript or submission of the originals)

Declaration by a university lecturer of the Faculty of Agriculture on the acceptance of supervision according to § 6 (1) to (3) of the doctoral regulations of 17.06.2011 [Dokument]

University statistics survey form

EXCEL form for recording personal data

Enrollment yes or no?

In principle, you can enroll as a student during your doctorate. Enrolment takes place at the Student Registry of the University of Bonn.

As a student, you can enjoy a number of benefits:

NRW student transit pass

Discounted admissions

Free courses offered by the university

Receipt of a Uni-ID


Offers from the Studierendenwerk

Use of the university library etc.

Enrollment and re-registration are associated with costs (approx. 290 €/semester).

Doctoral procedure

Your doctoral project is finished and your dissertation is almost complete? Now there are further procedural steps to take: First of all, you must apply for admission to the doctoral procedure. In this you must state the exact title of your thesis and make a proposal for the composition of your examination board. Please note § 3 (1) and (2) of the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Agriculture, which you can find under Downloads.

It is advisable to involve the second reviewer as early as possible so that you can discuss your thesis with them from a subject-specific point of view before submitting it. Your application must be approved by the Faculty Council (which meets three times a semester during the lecture period). Only then can you submit your dissertation with the documents listed in the application for review to the doctoral office.

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Procedure

Execution of the Doctorate

Once all the formalities have been completed, you will be admitted to the doctorate and receive a corresponding confirmation. Now you should concentrate on executing your doctorate. In addition to the traditional doctorate, the Faculty of Agriculture also offers participation in a structured doctoral program as part of the Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) - Land and Food.

With the Argelander Program, the University of Bonn has created a comprehensive support system to promote the development of young researchers at all academic levels. Here, for example, you can participate in the Promotion-Plus funding program.

Assessment of the Doctorate

If the documents are complete, your work will be forwarded to the reviewers, who will usually review your dissertation within eight weeks. Once all reviews have been received and the acceptance of the dissertation has been determined, the members of the Faculty of Agriculture who are authorized to conduct examinations and faculty affiliates will be informed of the two-week display period. This is followed by a three-day objection period. If no objection is raised, a declaration of printability is obtained from the first supervisor.

Public Lecture and Scientific Defence

An invitation to the doctoral colloquium can now be issued with at least two weeks' notice. For this purpose, the candidate must provide the necessary information (date, time, institute, lecture hall, possible replacement for the chair) to the doctoral office by e-mail well in advance. In a timely manner, you will receive a provisional certificate of the overall assessment of your doctoral performance after successfully completing the examination.

Completion of the Doctorate

Your doctoral procedure is considered complete when your dissertation has been published. You have a maximum of one year to do this. You will receive more detailed information after the examination, where you will receive a letter from the chair.

The doctoral certificate will be issued as soon as the documents required for completion have been submitted. You will receive two certified copies. The doctorate is considered completed and the title may be used. The original certificate will be presented by the Dean at the doctorate award ceremony - on the Friday before the Unifest.

Avatar Selig

Henning Selig

Promotion office

Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

Avatar Plattes

Dr. Susanne Plattes

acting BIGS - Coordinator | Doctoral Affairs

Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

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