Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Effects of Land Use Change and Water Management on Climate Change

Numerous regions of the world are experiencing increasing precipitation, and at the same time entire continents appear to be literally drying out; this affects not only precipitation, but also other variables such as the increase or decrease in water retention in surface reservoirs, soils in the root zone, and groundwater. Measurements indicate that explanatory patterns such as "dry regions will continue to dry out and wet regions will experience more precipitation" (dry-gets-drier, wet-gets-wetter) are inadequate. Current climate models cannot adequately explain the observed patterns of hydrological changes. The scientists at the Faculty of Agriculture want to close this knowledge gap. In order to better understand the development of these patterns, it is necessary to create a model system that reproduces observations in the best possible way, takes into account possible influencing factors that have been insufficiently researched in the past, and can predict the future.

As part of the recently acquired CRC 1502, the central hypothesis "Humans themselves have influenced the regional climate through land-use change and intensified water management, in particular through unintended modifications of the natural regional water and energy cycle" is to be tested with the involvement of a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines.

Universitätsinternes Förderinstrument

Sustainability means using resources in such a way that today’s needs are met without neglecting or even disregarding those of future generations. This raises many questions in very different areas: poverty, hunger, food security, demographic change, health, environmental protection, climate change and the responsible use of resources present us with global challenges. In order to achieve progress towards the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals, our scientists combine basic research with solution-oriented and interdisciplinary research approaches, engage in global networks and work together with the UN organizations based in Bonn.

Cooperation Partners

Logo Institut für Zuckerrübenforschung
© Uni Köln
Logo Fraunhofer ISIS
© Deutscher Wetterdienst
© KU Leuven
© University Wageningen
© University of Colorado

Ongoing Projects

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