Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Supplying a growing world population with healthy food while at the same time reducing the negative environmental impact of agricultural production is one of the key challenges for agricultural and nutrition research.

The provision of energy and food security for an estimated 9 billion people in 2030 is a major challenge for global agriculture. The limited availability of arable land and resources such as water make it essential to farm sustainably and thus give future generations a chance of survival.

Thanks to the unique combination of agricultural, nutritional and food sciences with geodesy, the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences (AEI) has ideal opportunities to develop the scientific basis for a sustainable supply of energy and food to meet demand and to support its implementation in practice.

For the AEI, top scientific qualifications and professional skills are equally important educational goals. Graduates must not only acquire theoretical and practical specialist knowledge, but also methodological and social skills and the ability to think critically and interdisciplinarily. We meet the requirements of the job market with research-oriented Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

News & Events
Bee Demonstrator - Detect and Identify Pollinators in the Field
Field margins, floral plantings, and crops offering nectar and pollen to insects may contribute to ecosystem service delivery (pollination) and ecological intensification of agriculture. The application of machine learning on data collected using low-cost RGB cameras represents a new opportunity to investigate, evaluate, and optimize the attractiveness of such cropping systems to beneficial insects.
Improved Efficiency and Resource Conservation—But Greater Dependence Too?
Digitalization is ushering in far-reaching change in all areas of our lives, not least in the agricultural sector. Researchers from the University of Bonn have now presented a study on how international agricultural corporations and Big Tech firms are using digital platforms to transform the agriculture industry. They make it clear that, although the technologies harbor significant potential, they also risk amplifying existing power structures and creating new dependencies.
Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity
A balanced diet is important for reducing hunger and malnutrition. Researchers thus advocate that small farmers in low- and middle-income countries should try to produce as many different foods as possible for their own consumption. However, a new study is now questioning this recommendation to some extent. It suggests that good access to regional markets is more important than farmers growing a large diversity of crops on their own smallholding. Better-functioning markets increase the variety of foods available locally, which benefits the population as a whole. The results are being published in the journal “Nature Food.”
Automated Leaf-Level Inspection of Crops by Combining UAV and UGVs
Robotic systems play a major role for realizing the vision of sustainable crop production. While Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly used to monitor the health status of agricultural fields using sensors like RGB cameras, multi-spectral cameras, and LiDAR, it is often still necessary to literally walk into the field to do close-up inspections of individual plants or even leaves for the detection of diseases or nutrient deficiencies in early stages of plant growth. 
PhenoRob: Research Priorities to Leverage Smart Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production
Agriculture today faces significant challenges that require new ways of thinking, such as smart digital technologies that enable innovative approaches. However, research gaps limit their potential to improve agriculture.
Pheno-Inspect - a PhenoRob Startup
One of PhenoRob's aims is to translate research into practice. Pheno-Inspect GmbH is a 2020 start up, with a strong connection to PhenoRob, working on how to interpret image-data recorded in agricultural fields and from there on out build smart AI systems to do the same to and provide services in the agricultural industry.
Berufung: „W3-Machine Learning"
Nußallee 1, 53115 Bonn
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
Einladung der Fakultäts-Öffentlichkeit zur Vorstellung im Berufungsverfahren "Machine Learning" am 24. und 25.02.2025. Die Lehrprobe wird zum Thema ...
Berufung: „W3-Machine Learning"
Nußallee 1, 53115 Bonn
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
Einladung der Fakultäts-Öffentlichkeit zur Vorstellung im Berufungsverfahren "Machine Learning" am 24. und 25.02.2025. Die Lehrprobe wird zum Thema ...
Fakultätsklausur 2025
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Whole Day
Wie in den letzten Jahren haben Professuren die Möglichkeit, 1-2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen zur Teilnahme mit anzumelden. Zusätzlich sind alle ...
2. Frühstück für Digital Projekte am UKB und der Uni Bonn
Bonn Surgical Technology ...
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe BOSTER Network, möchten wir die Beteiligten von Projekten mit einem digitalen Fokus an der Uni Bonn und am UKB eine ...
Let's Connect! Management in akademischen Bereichen
Universitätsclub Bonn, ...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Nutzen Sie die besondere Gelegenheit, sich mit Kolleg*innen aus verschiedenen Fakultäten zu vernetzen, inspirierende Einblicke in andere Arbeitsbereiche zu ...
Netzwerktreffen für alle, die mit Versuchstieren arbeiten
Ort wird noch bekannt ...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Die Auftaktveranstaltung der neuen Reihe „Natürlich transparent“ der Universität Bonn in Zusammenarbeit mit Bonner Forschungseinrichtungen, für alle, die mit ...
Forschungskommission (FoKo)
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Die Sitzungen der Forschungskommission (FoKo) finden im Fakultätssitzungszimmer statt. Die unter "Weitere Informationen" angegebenen Links sind nur für ...



19,2 Mio. €

Third-party funds acquired in 2022



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