Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Equal Opportunities

Supporting and advising the faculty on compliance with the requirements of the State Equal Opportunities Act and the Higher Education Act is the main focus of the Equal Opportunities Officer at the Faculty of Agriculture. The equal opportunities unit has its own budget and the topic is a permanent item on the agenda of the Faculty Council meeting.

Other tasks include the development and implementation of measures to increase the proportion of female professors, to support young female scientists and to promote the compatibility of academia, career and family during the academic qualification phase.

Equal Opportunity Plans

Equal opportunity plans are key management tools for promoting equality at universities. The legal basis for the creation and updating of equal opportunity plans is the NRW State Equal Opportunities Act (§§ 5, 5a and 6). In accordance with § 6 of the Act, the content of the equal opportunity plan consists of the following four sections:

Statistical inventory

Determination of the equality ratio and targets


Controlling, reporting obligations and updating

Gender Equality Ratios

According to the Women’s and Gender Research Network NRW, the gender equality ratio is 51.80%. This ratio must be achieved in all areas at our faculty by 2026. It has already been achieved at the following levels of employment at the Faculty of Agriculture [1]:

  • Freshmen
  • Students
  • Graduate students
  • Doctoral students (completed doctorates)
  • Habilitations / junior research group leaders / junior professorships
  • Professors qualification level W1
  • Professors at qualification levels W2 / C3 (incl. professorships according to the Jülich model)

At the W3/C4 qualification level (including professorships according to the Jülich model), the quota has not yet been reached (currently 20.0 % [1]). The gender equality quota at qualification level W3 can be achieved by 2026 if at least 4 of the 7 positions to be filled (excluding cluster professorships [1]) are held by women.

[1] As of December 2021

Young Female Scientists

are supported by the faculty as follows:

  • Funding for an assistant to continue practical laboratory / field experiments during maternity / parental leave within a fixed budget
  • Personnel development measures in the areas of presentation, rhetoric, didactics
  • Promotion of the compatibility of academia, career and family during the academic qualification phase: A family room has been set up on the Poppelsdorf campus for this purpose.

Guidelines for Gender-Equitable Language [DE]

The guidelines for gender-equitable language were developed as part of the 2021 project "Gender-equitable language / formulations on the websites of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bonn" in close cooperation with the Gender Equality Office and Equal Opportunity and Diversity Office. It serves to raise awareness and provide orientation for gender-equitable language.

Legal Requirements [DE]

The legal requirements of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia have been implemented in a concept for the composition of the appointment committees at the Faculty of Agriculture and in the composition of other faculty committees. The concept is applied to every committee composition.

Avatar Müller

Dr. Ute Müller


Carl-Troll-Str. 10

53115 Bonn

Avatar Wolter-­Sadlers

Jutta Wolter-­Sadlers

Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

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