Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

© BIGS - Land and Food


Scientific courses

Scientific courses are mainly offered by the participating institutes of the LWF and in the context of interdisciplinary research projects. Additionally, scientific course content is offered by collaborating partner institutions. The course program is organized by the lecturer, that needs to be contacted prior to the attendance.

Course Title





Credit Points

Advanced scientific writing and communication

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Schaaf

gabriel.schaaf@uni-bonn.de English WS / SS 6 CP
Recent Advances in Plant Nutrition Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker mathias.becker@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Crop and Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling Dr. Thomas Gaiser tgaiser@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Python for Applied Machine Learning Prof. Dr. Christopher McCool cmccool@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Introduction to Programming with Python Prof. Dr. Christopher McCool cmccool@uni-bonn.de English WS / SS 6 CP
Crop Functional Genomics Prof. Dr. Frank Hochholdinger hochholdinger@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Plant Biochemistry Prof. Dr. Peter Dörmann doermann@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Concepts in Genetics and Genomics Dr. Caroline Marcon marcon@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Soil microbiology Prof. Dr. Claudia Knief knief@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Crop ecology, water management and bioclimatology Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker mathias.becker@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
Advances in Plant Breeding Methodology Dr. Mariana Báez mbaez@uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP
International research management and proposal writing Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker mathias.becker@uni-bonn.de English WS / SS 6 CP
Mass Transport Modellig and Monitoring Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Kusche kusche@geod.uni-bonn.de English SS 2 CP
Spatial Decision Support Systems Prof. Dr.-Ing. J.-H. Haunert haunert@igg.uni-bonn.de English SS 3 CP
Location-Based Services Prof. Dr.-Ing. J.-H. Haunert haunert@igg.uni-bonn.de English SS 6 CP

Mandatory Courses

The mandatory course module consists of BIGS-LF organized courses. The content of these courses is essential for every early career scientist and are a prerequisite for all doctoral students of the BIGS-LF to obtain their final degree. Depending on the number of participants and demand these courses can also be organized multiple times per year.


Effective Science Presentation
Date: 07. - 08.10.2024
Lecturer: Dr. Stephen Wagner, Redelandschaft
For registration send an email to bigs-tb@lwf.uni-bonn.de

Poster Presentation
Date: 05.11.2024
Lecturer: Dr. Stephen Wagner, Redelandschaft
For registration send an email to bigs-tb@lwf.uni-bonn.de

Seminar Series & Lectures

Wintersemster 2024 / 2025

CESOC Seminar Series and other activities: https://cesoc.net/activities-events/
Contact: Hana Altom A. Mohammed
Link to Seminar series: https://cesoc.net/cesoc-seminar-series-my-research-winter-term-2024-25/
Link to activity & events: https://cesoc.net/activities-events/

ARTS-Seminar "Lecture Series on Future Competent Agricultural and Food Systems"
Contact: Thorsten Kraska
Link to module manual: https://www.lf.uni-bonn.de/de/studium/medienpdf/modulhandbuch/mhb-msc-arts.pdf

DETECT Lecture Series  & Seminar Series
Contact: Frank Siegismund
Link: https://sfb1502.de/irtg


Multiple institutions of the University of Bonn offer a variety of courses dedicated to personal development including transferable/soft skill courses, german classes, entrepreneurship etc. Information on the course content and on how to sign up can be found on the respective homepages. Admission to the Doctorate plusBIGS program is organized by the BIGS-Coordinator.

Avatar Plattes

Dr. Susanne Plattes

acting BIGS - Coordinator | Doctoral Affairs

Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

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