Financial backing for the following activities
BIGS-Land and Food extends valuable financial assistance to PhD students through personalized financial support. Support is exclusively available for PhD members of the Graduate School.
Attendance at Summer Schools
Participation in courses offered by other PhD Graduate Programs
Engagement in International Conferences, workshops, etc., provided you've successfully submitted your own oral presentation
Applying for financial support
It is imperative that applications are submitted in advance of the commencement of the relevant course, research visit, conference, etc. In case unforeseen circumstances prevent you from meeting the deadline, kindly elucidate your situation.
Application Procedure: Kindly use the provided application form exclusively. Other submissions will not be considered. Please send the signed application to the coordinating office of BIGS-Land and Food and a PDF copy via email to
Nature and extent of support
Up to 75% funding for summer/fall schools or course offered by other PhD programs.
Conferences, workshops, etc., where your own presentation is accepted, is eligible for funding. Oral presentations can receive up to 75% coverage of total costs, while poster presentations can secure up to 50% coverage.
The maximum financial support during the course of your PhD is capped at €2000.
Applications for financial support under €500 will not be processed.
Travel Reebursment procedure
Upon return from your scientific activity immediately progress with the travel reimbursement procedure. Please use the forms below and send them including the scanned copies of your bills to
In case you traveld within Germany only use the national travel form. Otherwise use the international travel form. The "Buchungsbegleitblatt" is always required.
Dr. Arnim Kuhn
BIGS-LF coordinator
Meckenheimer Allee 174
53115 Bonn