Registration & Contact
The Core Facility Climate Chambers, part of the Bonn Technology Campus (BTC), is operated by the Service Platform for Plant Experiments (Dienstleistungsplattform für Pflanzenversuche), an organizational unit of the Faculty of Agriculture. Our team is here to support you in carrying out your research projects and is available to offer advice.
Until the booking software is fully implemented, all experiments must be registered by the heads of the respective working groups using the form provided below. After submitting the completed form with the required details about the planned experiments, management will assign a horticultural supervisor to each experiment and inform the research group accordingly. This supervisor will serve as the primary contact for any specific inquiries.
For more complex scientific or technical questions, please contact Dr. Klaus and Mr. Bauer.
Dr. Alina Klaus
DLP office
Katzenburgweg 1
53115 Bonn
Josef Bauer
Technical management of plant trials
Katzenburgweg 1
53115 Bonn