Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

PostDoc Office

In the postdoc phase, the main focus is on acquiring further scientific knowledge and skills (qualification & career development) and on orientation and networking in the national and international scientific system (internationalization & networking).

If the goal is to remain in academia, it makes sense to gain teaching skills, experience in obtaining external funding, and generally increase the visibility of your work (publications, conferences) and yourself in academia (committee work, academic self-administration).

Throughout the postdoc phase, you will receive active support and guidance in planning your personal and professional future at the LWF PostDoc Office. You can take advantage of the comprehensive services offered by the Argelander Competence Center of the University of Bonn.

In addition, the LWF works closely with your cooperation partners for example the Career Center & Postdoc Office of FZ Jülich.


Point of contact for all questions concerning the qualification phase

Individual counseling sessions by appointment

Workshops and seminars on demand

Upcoming Events

The PostDoc office regularly offers workshops, webinars, seminars and similar events. Feel free to contact us if you have got special demands. We will try to realize appropriate offers.


Next event:

„Stress Management for Scientists“ | 31.01.2025 and 07.02.2025 each at 9.00-11.30 Uhr
Application: forschung@lwf.uni-bonn.de


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The Faculty of Agriculture offers a mentoring program for early career Researchers (R1-R3) with the Collaborative Research Center 1502 DETECT.

Mentoring programs in the science system are characterized by great benefit for all participants. They strengthen the interdisciplinary, cross-hierarchical networking of the participants as well as their integration into the scientific community.

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My paper in 140 Seconds

Being able to explain research clearly and effectively to a general audience is a skill that serves well in the academic and professional endeavours. Video content is also becoming increasingly important in science communication: the results of research projects, especially publicly funded ones, are not only of interest to other scientists, but also to a broad mass of people. “My paper in 140 Seconds” is a valuable opportunity to develop and showcase communication skills.

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Avatar Plattes

Dr. Susanne Plattes

Advisor - Research and career development

Meckenheimer Allee 172

53115 Bonn

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