Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Acknowledgement of achievements


Would you like to have credits from previous studies or a stay abroad accredited? You will find all the necessary information on this page.

Acknowledgement procedure

For information and assistance regarding the accreditation of credits from your previous studies, please get in touch with the contact person listed below.

You will need the following documents for acknowledgement:

  • Application form for acknowledgement of achievements
  • Current transcript of records with all achievements
  • Module descriptions of the modules applied for

The responsible program representative of the examination committee will decide on your application for acknowledgement of achievements. You will receive a notification from the Examinations Office about the recognized or unaccredited achievements.

Application form for acknowledgement of achievements
© Stephan Ebbers

Acknowledgement of achievements for Teacher Training

If you would like to have academic achievements for your teaching degree accredited, the first step is to follow the procedure above. As soon as the subject-specific examination board has given its approval, the Examinations Office will issue the recommendation for accreditation. Further information on accreditation for teaching studies can be found on the website of the Bonn Center for Teacher Training.


  • For students
    • If you start your studies in the winter semester, the application for accreditation must be submitted from 01.10. to 30.11. (usually within the first semester).
    • If you start your studies in the summer semester, the application for accreditation must be submitted from 01.04. to 30.04. (usually within the first semester).
  • For applicants for a higher semester
    • To apply for a higher semester in the winter semester, the application for accreditation must be submitted by 01.08.
    • To apply for a higher semester in the summer semester, the application for accreditation must be submitted by 01.02..
    • Information on applying for a higher semester for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs can be found on the linked websites.

Acknowledgement of achievements from a stay abroad

Before you begin your stay abroad, you agree on the coursework you would like to complete at the partner university in a Learning Agreement. The coursework that you have agreed in advance in the Learning Agreement and completed during your stay abroad will be accredited. To do this, you must submit your Learning Agreement to the Examinations Office together with the transcript of records/grades from the partner university.

Information on student mobility and the relevant contact persons can be found on the website of the International Office of the Faculty of Agriculture.

Legal basis

The Examination Regulations contain in §6 regulations on the acknowledgement and recognition of study and examination achievements. The basis for this is the Lisbon Convention.

The following principle applies: "Achievements that have been completed in degree programmes at other state or state-recognized universities [...] will be recognized upon application, provided that there is no significant difference in the competences acquired compared to the achievements that are being replaced"

Acknowledgement from training courses

Accreditation from training courses is only possible in a few exceptional cases, as the DQR level of a training course (usually DQR level 4) is classified lower than that of a Bachelor's degree course (DQR level 6). DQR stands for the German Qualifications Framework, which systematically describes qualifications and assigns them to levels. You can use the qualification search to find out the level of your training.

Contact Person

Examination office for Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in agricultural and nutritional sciences

Avatar Snoekx

Ine Snoekx

+49 170 9289318

Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

Avatar Ostwald

Roland Ostwald

+49 151 74485524

Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

Avatar Ester

Markus Ester

+49 151 74485523

Meckenheimer Allee 174

53115 Bonn

State Examination Food Chemistry

Avatar Wüst

Matthias Wüst

Endenicher Allee 11 - 13

53115 Bonn

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