Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Agricultural and Food Economics

Master of Science Agricultural and Food Economics (AFECO)

To educate the next generation of decision-makers who will help steering our society on the transition toward a sustainable global bioeconomy.

To that effect, our program equips students with state-of-the-art theoretical, methodological and sectoral knowledge and skills. We encourage holistic thinking in a systemic perspective, from farmer to consumer and from local to global scale. 

Our diverse teaching formats encourage the development of problem-solving skills needed for individual and team-oriented positions in management and research. We support individual profiling, not least by offering the possibility to major in the fields of Agribusiness (ABS), Resource and Environmental Economics (ENV), Market and Consumer Research (MAC), or Agricultural and Development Policy (APO). Our international study program is taught entirely in English and reflects the diversity of potential employers in agribusiness, the food industry, NGOs, public authorities as well as public and private research institutes. The agri-food sector is characterized by globalization and international trade relations, and the interdisciplinary and intercultural skills that students develop through their Master program in order to further contribute to their successful professional careers.

For detailed information on the study program, please visit the AFECO website.


Type of study

Consecutive Master


4 Semesters

Start date

Winter semester and summer semester



Admission requirements

Local NC

Postgraduate studies


Double degree option


The double degree program BOWACO enables students to simultaneously complete their Master's degree in the AFECO program at the University of Bonn and in one of the Master's programs in Management, Economics and Consumer Studies at Wageningen University.


The double degree program AFEPA (Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis) is suitable for students who are interested in the economic analysis of agricultural and environmental policy. The program offers a joint curriculum from four partner universities: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of Bonn, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Université Catholique de Louvain.


Ideal study plan

© Nicolas Gerber

30 ECTS-LP Compulsory modules in the first two semesters

54 ECTS-LP Elective modules

6 ECTS-LP Research Seminar

30 ECTS-LP Master Thesis

Course book

In the module course book you will find detailed information (e.g. content, learning objectives, courses, examinations, lecturers, ECTS-LP, etc.) for each module.

Acknowledgement of achievements

Would you like to have credits from a previous master study program or a stay abroad acknowledged? You can find more information on the following page.

Examination Office

Informationen zu Prüfungszeiträumen, Fristen, Prüfungsbüros uvm.

Avatar Gerber

Nicolas Gerber

Nußallee 21

53115 Bonn

Student Advisory Service Agricultural and Food Economics (AFECO)

Detailed counseling sessions by appointment. 

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