Master of Science Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS)
The ARTS postgraduate study program is designed as a multidisciplinary approach to expand students’ overall background in the basic and applied management of natural resources for agricultural research and development in (sub)tropical environments. Students are trained to develop a holistic, cross-disciplinary understanding and acquire a systems’ view of structure, use, interactions, and management of natural resources. The 24-months training involves a balanced curriculum of class room lectures, interactive seminars on current resource management issues, hands-on training in methods and research technologies, and practical field experience in the (sub)tropics.
For detailed information on the study program, please visit the ARTS website.
Type of study
Consecutive Master
4 Semesters
Start date
Winter semester
Admission requirements
Local NC
Postgraduate studies
Ideal study plan
54 ECTS-LP Compulsory modules
36 ECTS-LP Elective modules
30 ECTS-LP Master Thesis & Defense
Course book
In the module course book you will find detailed information (e.g. content, learning objectives, courses, examinations, lecturers, ECTS-LP, etc.) for each module.
Acknowledgement of achievements
Would you like to have credits from a previous master study program or a stay abroad acknowledged? You can find more information on the following page.
Examination Office
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