Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

After your studies

Best prospects!

What happens after graduating with a Master‘s degree? Doctorate, career entry – we show you various options.


© Meike Böschemeyer | Uni Bonn

Would you like to gain further academic qualifications? You can find detailed information on the doctorate pages.

Career prospects

In addition to its basic scientific orientation, the course offers a broad range of applications. The professional fields are correspondingly diverse:

Research and teaching at universities

Scientific work at research centers (e.g. UFZ, FZJü)

Planning and application in offices and authorities (e.g. BfN, BMU, UBA, middle and lower landscape authorities)

Planning and application in environmental and planning offices

Scientific policy advice (e.g. UN organizations, EU, national governments, NGOs)

other nature conservation-oriented institutions (national park administrations, biological stations, nature conservation centers)

Career Service
© Bosse und Meinhard | Uni Bonn

Career Service

The Career Service of the University of Bonn offers numerous events on the topics of career orientation and career planning. Take a look.

Alumni Network
© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn

Alumni Network

Stay in touch with us. You can join the alumni network ette University of Bonn free of charge.

Job advertisements
© eCampus | Uni Bonn

Job advertisements

Current internship and job advertisements are available on eCampus.

VDL e.V.
© VDL e.V.

VDL e.V.

On the website of VDL Berufsverband Agrar, Ernährung, Umwelt e. V. you will find a lot of helpful information.

© NALA e.V.


The association for nature conservation and landscape ecology of former students of the study program at the University of Bonn.

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