Universität Bonn

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Food Chemistry

State Examination Food Chemistry

As a specialized field of chemistry, food chemistry is primarily concerned with the properties and chemical composition of food and its ingredients. It is primarily concerned with the changes that occur during the production, storage or processing of food as well as the testing of purity and quality.

Food products are generally very complex systems of biological origin - often parts of plant or animal organisms. External influences - mechanical processing, heating or irradiation - often bring about far-reaching changes in the substance.

The field of food chemistry also includes dealing with the numerous additives used in food production. The identification of adulteration and the detection of substances of concern are also topics. However, the field of food chemistry is not limited to food alone. It also includes the examination and testing of animal feed, tobacco products, cosmetics and consumer goods. The range of topics also includes the analysis and testing of soil samples, toxic substances, pharmaceuticals and drugs. The analysis and monitoring of the quality of drinking and process water as well as the testing of waste water and its reprocessing are of particular importance. Further tasks of food chemistry can be found in the areas of environmental protection and consumer protection as well as in legislation (food law).


Type of study

State Examination


9 Semesters

Start date

Winter semester



Admission requirements

Local NC

Postgraduate studies



You can find more information in the flyer.

Information on the study program

Before your studies
© Bernadett Yehdou | Uni Bonn

Skills and knowledge

What knowledge, interests and skills should I have?

Starting your studies
© Barbara Frommann | Uni Bonn

Starting your studies

What happens after enrolment and how do I start my studies?

During your studies
© Bernadett Yehdou | Uni Bonn

Study structure

How is the degree program structured and which modules can I attend?

Examination Office
© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn

Examination Office

The Examinations Office will provide you with information on examination dates, deadlines, etc.

© Volker Lannert | Uni Bonn

Application & Enrollment

How can I apply, is there an NC and what happens after the application?

After your studies
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  Career prospects

What will I do later in my career and what are my career prospects?

Avatar Wüst

Matthias Wüst

Endenicher Allee 11 - 13

53115 Bonn

Student Advisory Service Food Chemistry

Detailed counseling sessions by appointment.

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